

Our centre is inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach to teaching and learning. We believe that children are full of potential, competence, and are capable of directing their own learning. We encourage children to investigate, make sense of objects and ideas about which they are curious, and to become promoters of culture, values and rights. Our teachers facilitate learning by planning activities and lessons based on each child's interests, they ask questions to further the child’s understanding, and actively engage in activities alongside the child, instead of passively observing the child learning.

We implement the Ministry of Education required curriculum (whāriki) based on the principles, strands, goals and learning outcomes found in Te Whāriki. When deciding which areas to focus on, teachers and educators take into account the interests, strengths and needs of the children and the aspirations of parents, whānau and community.  Te Whāriki supports every child to be strong in his or her identity, language and culture. If you would like more information about Te Whāriki talk to our teachers or visit www.parents.education.govt.nz


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